Following the death of Alex, the protagonist of the first season, in an accident, the masterminds behind the evil APP gradually emerged. A police officer who falls into the trap set by the APP becomes deeply entangled in its mysteries when his girlfriend dies in an accident. As the protagonists gradually approach the truth, time is running out and CODE’s evil machinations are already underway…
一場意外,讓刑警梁仁傑(修杰楷 飾)的人生,起了天翻地覆的變化。他的未婚妻若芸(李維維 飾)在出勤中死於離奇的電梯墜落事故;迫切想知道未婚妻真正死因的他,接到了一通神秘電話.要其下載一個APP—『CODE』:「只要你對它許願,它就會完成你的願望」,從那一刻起,梁仁傑陷入了『CODE』的引誘...。
然而,一名報社記者杜子欣(鍾瑶 飾)找上梁仁傑,告訴他『CODE』其實牽涉多起意外死亡事件,甚至自己的親人也為『CODE』所害,看似毫無關聯的意外事件卻彼此有關係!
執意想知真相的梁仁傑、一心想挖內幕的記者杜子欣、透過杜子欣介紹的職業駭客Hank(黃尚禾 飾),以及急待孩子換心手術,而向『CODE』許願,卻被迫擔任『CODE』遊戲「監視者」角色的李媛(姚以緹 飾),四人在看似有共同目標的情勢下,組成合作團隊,誓要揭開神秘手機APP『CODE』的幕後真相。