Lai family has 4 children: One narcissist, one workaholic, one divorcee, and one social butterfly. None of which wanted to settle down. Lai parents think the kids may have been spoiled by the family fortune. To correct this problem, the parents issued the kids an ultimatum, get married within the year or be disinherited. Reluctantly, the kids scramble to find that true love they have missed all their lives.
Full Story
Lai Tien-cheng, the oldest son of the founder of the Lai Group, and his wife Chen Yi-ju have entered a new chapter of their lives. This new chapter is a divorce. Many couples end up becoming bitter enemies when they divorce, but this couple ends their four years of marriage with joy and wish each other well.
While the grand divorce party is on its way, in one scene, the wedding consultant Chang Pi-ting, who is dressed in a business suit, complains of the show-off behavior of the second generation of wealthy families to her colleague Hsiao Q. In another scene, Lai Yu-hsiang is forced to spend money to get rid of trouble from the silly office worker Chang Pi-ting while on his way to the party. He is stupefied by the party’s all-pink decorations and then finds out the site has been decorated by that silly office worker Chang Pi-ting. Typically overbearing, Lai Yu-hsiang lashes out about the whole set up. Chang Pi-ting fires back in response to his criticism. As a result, they start a feud with each other.
Pi-ting discovers that she left her cell phone at the party after being dragged away. When she is at wits’ end, Lai Chun-chieh, an architect at the Tianxia Architectural Company, Lai Group, finds her phone for her. Chun-chieh's handsomeness leaves a deep impression on Pi-ting. The divorce party starts, and Tien-cheng and Yi-ju make their divorce vows. The founder of the Lai Group, Lai Ta-fa, and his wife Yang Yu-mei arrive at the party. He not only sternly scolds his unwed sons and daughter, Lai Tien-cheng, Lai Chun-chieh, Lai Yu-hsiang, and Lai Yu-chieh, but also chews out the playboy uncle Yang Po-wen. He then throws out a shocker after his scolding: he will donate all his money if his four children don’t settle down within a year.
365 days have passed. The four unwed Lai offspring have gone through a lot. On the day of the first anniversary of Tien-cheng and Yi-ju's divorce, the Happy Plaza once again is decorated with wedding decoration. Who are the groom and bride this time around? Who have found real and heartfelt happiness?
賴氏集團長子賴天成,跟妻子陳亦儒兩人人生最新階段的開始,這人生的最新階段, 就是“離婚”。很多夫妻離婚都撕破臉或交惡,可這對夫妻卻以祝福和喜悅的方式,為自己4年多的婚姻畫上句點。盛大的離婚Party即將開始,穿著一身幹練套裝的婚禮顧問張碧婷,正向同事小Q抱怨著這批無聊富二代的炫富行徑;另一頭,無端在赴會路上被自詡正義使者的白目小資女硬逼花錢消災的賴宇翔,對於典禮粉紅逼人的配色搞得暈頭轉向,一問竟是剛剛那個白目小資女張碧婷佈置的場地!賴宇翔咄咄逼人挑剔著典禮的所有一切,張碧婷氣不過回嗆,兩個人的梁子就此結下。被架離會場的碧婷,發現自己手機遺落在會場內,正愁無計可施之際,賴氏集團天下建設的建築師賴俊傑,俊傑幫碧婷撿回了手機,也讓碧婷對風度翩翩的俊傑留下深刻印象。離婚Party開始,天成和亦儒念完離婚誓詞,賴家集團的創辦人賴大發和妻子楊玉梅趕到會場,不但嚴詞數落四個不婚兒女:賴天成、賴俊傑、賴宇翔、賴宇婕一番,就連花名在外舅舅楊博文也被點名教訓,訓話完還丟出一顆震撼彈,如果4個兒女在一年內,都沒有成家立業,他就要裸捐自己的所有財產。365天過去了,賴家4個王老五們,歷經了許多的風波,就在天成和亦儒離婚也滿一周年的那一天,”幸福廣場“上再度張燈結綵,但這次主人翁是誰?是誰先找到那真摯而動人的幸福。