Minato Ninomiya is a detective for the Kanagawa Prefectural Police, his parents died when he was a child, his life became a mess and couldn't trust people since then. But due to his girlfriend Yuka, Minato was able to trust people again. After 5 years into their relationship, Yuka becomes pregnant. Minato vows to make Yuka and their baby happy, but Yuka suddenly dies in a mysterious accident. Minato tries to find the truth behind her death and finds a mysterious app named Code, which can make any wish come true.
改編自台灣高人氣劇《CODE浮士德遊戲》,你的願望要付出多少代價?改編自台劇《浮士德遊戲》,故事描述從小封閉自我的刑警二宮湊人,決定與戀人七海悠香步入人生的下一階段,但卻迎來悠香的死訊。二宮誓言要找尋悠香出意外的真相。此時,二宮得到了一個神秘的 APP「CODE」,號稱只要付出代價去換取,即可滿足所有願望。操縱人們慾望的 APP、被捲入巨大陰謀裡的二宮以及行蹤可疑的椎名,究竟事件的真相是什麼?