A story told through the eyes of a stray dog called Gump. A story about a journey full of obstacles and challenges, about love that has power beyond horizon, about devotion of a dog, who without hesitation will give his own life for the life of its beloved owner. A story of a dog love and hope...
On a journey to find his home, a stray dog encounters many challenges, meets new people and makes a few canine friends along the way.
★ 繼《為了與你相遇》後,年度最感人狗狗電影
★ 集結捷克奧斯卡「金獅獎」得主,當代捷克實力派影帝后齊聚
★ 三度榮獲捷克奧斯卡最佳攝影獎大師,深刻捕捉狗狗最動人真實情感