In order to find his missing daughter, Guan Ning accepted a secret task from Tu Ling to assasinate an internet novelist. As Guan getting deeper involved in the mission, he found out that the novelist have an ability to influence the real world through his writing. There's a parallel world connected to the reality.
★ 華文世界電影小說獎首獎得主雙雪濤同名短篇小說改編
★ 《繡春刀》系列億萬大導路陽最新動作奇幻鉅作
★ 《我不是藥神》金獎製片、名導寧浩監製
★ 《流浪地球》特效團隊採用《阿凡達》《猩球崛起》動作捕捉、虛擬拍攝技術, 打造華麗炫目奇觀異世界
★華語天后鄧紫棋G.E.M獻聲演唱 電影主題曲【平行世界】