In the era of corruption, Hak-gyu sings songs and tells stories on the street with his band. One day, Hak-gyu's wife Gan-nan is kidnapped by gangsters and his daughter Cheong loses her eyesight after the incident. He decides to travel in search of his missing wife and learns that corrupted noblemen are behind the mob.
★ 聯合國教科文組織指定為人類非物質文化遺產,朝鮮傳統曲藝「盤索里」大銀幕再現
★ 韓國首週新片票房冠軍
★ 創358萬觀影人次紀錄《鬼鄉》導演趙正來最新力作
★ 韓國知名國樂歌手李逢根、「復仇劇女王」李幼梨、《82年生的金智英》童星金嘏娫、超級綠葉朴哲民、「神話」成員金烔完集結飆戲