Based on the novel by Hannelore Cayre, the story centers around Patience Portefeux, an underpaid, overworked French-Arabic translator in charge of phone surveillance for a narcotics police unit. When she realizes she knows the mother of one of the drug dealers, Patience decides to cover for him and gets herself more and more deeply involved in the world of drug trafficking. Soon, she is using her insider knowledge and police resources to build her own crime network and earns the name Mama Weed.
★ 改編自紐時百大書單暢銷小說《教母》(The Godmother)
★ 法國首週票房亞軍,僅次《天能》
★ 《她的危險遊戲》《鋼琴教師》法國傳奇影后伊莎貝雨蓓妙趣橫生新作
★ 《推拿》《女僕心機》金獎製片爆笑呈獻
★ 50%條子+50%毒販=這批雨蓓100%純啦!
帕休絲波圖福(伊莎貝雨蓓 飾)是一名法語、阿拉伯語的警方翻譯,任職於反毒單位,專精電話監聽。這份工作既困難薪水又少,但她的指揮官上司很迷人!有天她在監聽被通緝的毒販通話時,意外發現他們其中一人是照顧她母親的善良女人的兒子,於是她決定保護他,因而一腳踏進毒品世界中。帕休絲得到了大量的交易訊息,加上新搭檔:前警犬「DNA」的幫助,她抓住機會搖身一變,成為毒品大盤商「藥頭大媽」!