A stifling regional city surrounded by mountains. Takao Kasuga, a student in year two of middle school, finds his life suffocating and seeks solace in the poetry of Les Fleurs Du Mal by Charles Baudelaire. One day, he steals the gym wear of his classmate Nanako Saeki who he has a crush on. Sawa Nakamura, the class troublemaker, witnesses his theft and blackmails him into a “contract” in return for her silence. Takao is at Sawa’s mercy and must meet her impossible demands. He starts to lose his identity and is thrust into despair. However, they begin to develop a unique bond and create an alarming incident one night at a summer festival.
★ 日本暢銷300萬本超人氣漫畫真人電影化!
★ 文青男遇上施虐女,一場禁斷青春的殘酷物語
★ 抖M男主角與抖S女主角上演調教大戲
★ 《道別的早晨就用約定之花點綴吧》動漫名編導岡田麿里編劇力作
★ 《愛情人形》《娼年》製片作品
春日高男(伊藤健太郎 飾)是一位深愛19世紀詩人波特萊爾作品《惡之華》的平凡初中生,他偷拿了暗戀女孩放在教室的體育服,然而一切行徑全被同班同學仲村佐和(玉城蒂娜 飾)看在眼裡。仲村以此威脅春日,逼迫他訂下近乎賣身的契約,並屢次強迫他做出違背心意的事。具有虐待狂性格的女孩仲村,與被虐性格的男孩春日間,將會有什麼樣令人超乎想像的發展?