Christmas night in Roubaix. Police chief Daoud roams the city. Burnt out cars, violent altercations… In the face of poverty, deception and distress, Daoud knows who is lying and who is telling the truth. Fresh out of the police academy, Louis has recently joined Daoud’s crew. Young, awkward and easily misled, he constantly misunderstands those he encounters. Daoud and Louis are confronted with the murder of an old woman. The old woman’s neighbours – two young women, Claude and Marie – are arrested. They are addicts, alcoholics, lovers…With words, rising beyond the horror of their crime, Daoud will find a way to give two murderers back their humanity.
★ 《藍色是最溫暖的顏色》坎城金棕櫚得主蕾雅瑟杜使壞耍心機
★ 能導能演,坎城影帝洛契迪森姆再創演技顛峰
★ 《我愛愛愛你》凱薩獎最佳女配角莎拉佛莉絲蒂挑戰轉型之作
★ 《BPM》凱薩獎最佳男配角安托萬賴納茨深入探案
★ 《舊愛回來後》坎城名導阿諾戴普勒尚率眾星話題之作
★ 《我是布萊克》、《流離者之歌》坎城金棕櫚王牌製片最新力作
★ 入選2019坎城影展主競賽單元
★ 2019高雄電影節
今年魯貝市的耶誕夜不平靜,警長達烏德(洛契迪森姆 飾)在這座他從小長大的城市內來回奔波,燒毀的車輛、起衝突的人們讓他疲於奔命。新人路易(安托萬賴納茨 飾)是剛從警校畢業的菜鳥,他將和達烏德一同面對一名年長女性在自家被殺害的案件。抽絲剝繭後,他們發現死者的鄰居──兩位年輕女性涉有重嫌。這兩位窮困的女性是酒鬼、毒蟲,也是一對熱戀中的情侶。她們真的有殺人嗎?警探能還她們清白嗎?