One day, a charming and mystical girl, Fuka, appears before Yuichi, as a transfer student to his high school. From that moment on, mysterious phenomena start to occur around Yuichi. Fuka tells Yuichi that she is the last white witch in the world, the only successor to the white magic witches who use the magic of love. Yuichi feels perplexed by her revelation at first but gradually finds himself attracted to Fuka. But Fuka disappears from Yuichi's sight without a word. Five years later, they coincidentally meet again, only to discover that it is the beginning of the furious battle between white magic and black magic.
★ 「幸福科學」總裁、《神秘之法》總監製大川隆法最新監製作品
★ 《鐘擺人生》千眼美子╳《七夜怪談2:復活之路》佐伯日菜子╳《亞人》高杉亘╳《漫長的告別》不破萬作……一線日星陣容合力共演
★ 日本首週票房季軍、連續四週觀影人次Top 10,總票房累積近六億日幣
★ 90後日本新星梅崎快人、春宮美津紀亮眼出演
★ 自古勢不兩立的白魔法與黑魔法,正邪大戰一觸即發!
高三的某一天,轉學生風花(千眼美子 飾)出現在優一(梅崎快人 飾)的班上,從那天起,優一身邊便接二連三發生不可思議的現象。原來,風花竟然是一位魔法師,而且是世界上最後一位「白魔法的繼承者」。優一在躊躇猶豫中漸漸被她所吸引,然而因為某件事的緣故,風花突然消失了。五年後,兩人偶然間再次重逢——而那便是穿越時空的「白魔法與黑魔法之戰」的開始。