A story of a 12-year-old boy who struggles to keep what everyone has: a home.
Since his father had run off long ago and his mother is never home from work, 12-year-old Jun-ho takes good, frugal care of Sung-ho, his 7-year-old half brother of a different father. One day, his mother gets in a terrible car accident and Jun-ho ends up living at Sung-ho’s father’s house. Sung-ho’s half sister, Ji-young and her father also take to Jun-ho well. Life in the new home is comfortable, but Jun-ho knows that when Ji-young’s mother comes out of her coma he could be kicked out. She had been in the same accident as his mother and they are both comatose. Soon, his mother dies and he is left all alone in the world. To make matters worse, Jun-ho spots Ji-young’s mother’s toes moving…
★「愛的三部曲」系列作 今夏必看勵志電影
★ 釜山影展、塔林黑夜電影節放映 影評熱情推薦
★「小蘇志燮」李孝濟擔綱主角演出 細膩演技賺人熱淚
★ 以小孩視角看待「愛」與「分享」
★ 傳達《奇蹟》、《歡迎光臨奇幻城堡》的感動與力量
在韓國釜山的小鎮上,男孩俊昊與母親、同母異父的弟弟成昊住在一起,母親工作忙碌,沒有太多時間陪伴他們。俊昊最愛帶著弟弟一起玩耍,兩人大口吃著辣炒年糕、去遠足、窩在家裡一起打電動……雖然家裡經濟狀況不富裕、生父又愛理不理,個性樂觀又喜歡照顧人的俊昊,童年照樣灑滿笑聲。 某日,俊昊接到母親車禍重傷的噩耗,兩位男孩必須離家、去投靠弟弟的生父。寄人籬下的日子裡,俊昊感受到差別待遇及隱隱然的不安—弟弟生父打算把俊昊送到育幼院……如果家人是永遠的靠山,俊昊與弟弟能否一直在一起?孩子們與生俱來開朗樂觀的力量,是否能帶領他們走向回家的路?