★2023 Nominee 7 Golden Horse Awards, Won Best Leading Actor!
★Won two first prizes of Taipei Golden Horse Film Project Promotion
★2023 Nominee International Competition of Fribourg International Film Festival
★2023 Won Audience Award and Ecumenical Jury Award of Fribourg International Film Festival
★2023 Won Best Actor of First Youth Film Festival
Abang and Adi are undocumented orphans in Malaysia. While the older brother, a deaf-mute, has resigned himself to a life of poverty, his younger sibling burns with indignation. A brutal accident upsets their relationship's fragile balance.
★第17屆⻄寧 FIRST 靑年電影展「最佳演員獎」
一對沒身分證、無國籍的兄弟,在馬來⻄亞混雜各國外勞的富都巴剎社會底層中,苟 延殘喘的生存長大。吳慷仁飾演的啞巴哥哥,甘於接受命運的安排,陳澤耀 則演出 不願向現