LIFR FOR SALE Trailer from CCE on Vimeo.
Pity poor insurance salesman Liang: he costs his company more in salary than he rings up in sales, and despite several imaginative attempts to off himself, he fails. But thanks to an agent of fate (masquerading, of course, as a cockroach), he finds Yukio Mishima’s 1968 “psychedelic adventure” novel “Life for Sale” and is inspired to offer his own on the Internet. Before he knows it, he’s in significant demand… but death continues to elude him. As Liang encounters more strange and powerful clients than ever, his newfound lack of fear leads him in daring directions. With each audacious exploit, this absurdist noir comedy grows increasingly extravagant, gruesome, and even heart-stopping, but never ceases to surprise.
Director Introduction
Tom Teng studied at the American Film Institute, where he wrote and co-produced The Brotherhood of Legio (2007), a sci-fi thriller that was selected for the Golden Horse Film Festival His short suspense thriller Danny won Best Film, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Original Scoring at the L.A. Film Reel competition. Since returning to Taiwan, Tom has directed and won international awards for various projects, including micro-films, documentaries, animated films, and VR shorts. Life for Sale is Tom’s feature directing debut.
二十七歲的厭世保險員阿良(傅孟柏 飾)一天到晚都在想要怎麼死,生命對他而言只是不停重複跳針,直到某天撿到日本文豪三島由紀夫的遺作《性命出售》才想通….就算要關門大吉,也應該先來個清倉大拍賣! 可是沒想到這條命在網上竟然乏人問津,就在他心灰意冷之際,阿良得知鄰居陳瑜真(曾之喬 飾)的兒子命在旦夕需要心臟移植,正當他猶豫是否捐出心臟時,一位美豔女總裁沈晶(蔡淑臻 飾)開出天價要買阿良的命做人體實驗,同時又冒出一位黑道老大派出殺手鬼臂(李銘忠 飾)綁架了他父母威脅他賣命。 阿良萬萬沒料到他一文不值的生命,現在竟然大家搶著要!但命就一條,阿良要如何全身而退呢?