An elementary school located deep in the mountains is facing a crisis of being shut down due to population migration. The PE teacher is assigned to form a choir, and to win the national choir contest in order to solve this crisis. With limited resources and absolutely no musical background, the PE teacher and a group of tone-deaf students start to prepare for the contest. On the contest day, the students listen to other choirs sing and refuse to get onto the stage because they believe their style is different and therefore wrong. The PE teacher has to convince the students to finish the contest. They do not place in the competition, but they still receive a huge applause from the audience. For the students from the small school, the applause from the thousands in attendance impacts them deeply, which gives their teacher the idea to use the choir to change the depressing situation of the school.
《聽見歌 再唱》是以布農族八部合音精神,仔細聆聽別人的歌聲再唱出相對應的聲音為靈感,虛構出一間因少子化面臨癈校危機的山區小學,為了發展教學特色拯救學校前途,由一位看不懂五線譜的體育老師丶一位流浪代課音樂老師和一群五音不全的小屁孩在三個月期間組成合唱團,好贏得全國冠軍,結果卻在慘敗後才發現自己真正的聲音,勇於面對自己的不同,找到自信!
《聽見歌 再唱》的故事雖是虛構,但許多情節是馬彼得校長的親身經歷。該片是48歳的新鋭導演楊智麟的處女作,他曾於2009年以馬彼得校長為主角的紀錄片唱歌吧!獲得該年金穗獎首獎,引起大眾銀行注意,將該片改編成大眾銀行形象廣告,引起全國矚目。2013年的賣座電影看見台灣結尾馬彼得校長率領原聲童聲合唱團站在玉山頂合唱拍手歌更是感動了千千萬萬的台灣人!
《聽見歌 再唱》獲得馬彼得校長授權改編,並率領原聲童聲合唱團演出片中合合唱歌曲,導演楊智麟希望籍由聼見歌 再唱通俗感人的電影內容,將馬彼得校長用掌聲擦亮孩子自信的音樂教育理念傳遞下去!