Hsu Zi Qi is a young woman who lives alone in the city. Lee is the autistic son of Zi Qi's landlady, who tries to free himself from his protective mother. Feng is a shy young builder, who struggles with the constant breakdowns of his car. Through its interconnecting characters, the film subtly and intimately explores the moments of loneliness and regret that punctuate lives in a metropolitan city and emphasises the importance and necessity of simple human contact.
獨自在台北生活的徐子淇(瑞瑪席丹 飾)摸索著未來生存的方向,平靜生活的同時持續陷在與男友不安定的關係。她經常接到要找「強尼」的電話,這些打錯了的電話與她的黑頭凱克鸚鵡們是生活的陪伴與調劑。住在樓下的房東太太的兒子李立(黃遠 飾),每日朗讀報章雜誌訓練專注,可是某日發現徐子淇偷帶鸚鵡上捷運後,規律的生活卻因此亂了序。
裝修工人張以風(柯宇綸 飾)接了李立家附近的裝修,但他的寶貝老爺車拋錨了,頓覺失去依靠。那日早晨,張以風、李立、徐子淇三人因為鸚鵡被兜在一起,交織出人與人之間交錯的片刻美好,捕捉那交會中專屬於台北的溫度與吉光片羽。