Hyo-joo, an untenured instructor at a boys' high school is assigned to a class of seniors as a HR teacher. She notices that a specialized dance student Jae-ha is absent from the self-study session, and finds him practicing refined dance movements in the gym. The next day Hae-young, the school board chairman's daughter arrives as a tenured instructor, which was the position assumed to be offered to Hyo-joo soon. Hae-young, sweet and having grown up with no worries, treats Hyo-joo with affection, but Hyo-joo only gives her the cold shoulder. Then one day, Hyo-joo witnesses Hae-young and Jae-ha in the gym, locked in a passionate embrace, and from that moment on, she starts feeling an inexplicable sense of humiliation towards Hae-young while gradually falling under the influence of Jae-ha's elusive charm.
高中約聘老師朴孝珠(金荷娜 飾)在學校地位低落,教務主任總以「續聘」、「終身教職」當作指派朴孝珠更多工作的藉口。
某日學校來了一位新任老師秋惠英(柳仁英 飾),年輕貌美、又是學校理事長的女兒,秋惠英很快成為這間男校的焦點,也順理成章的拿下該校僅剩的一名「終身教職」職缺。朴孝珠對秋惠英的一切感到嫉妒與自卑,當她意外發現秋惠英跟男學生(李源根 飾)正在秘密交往,她決定展開復仇行動……她要奪走她的一切,不計後果……