Yan Wu Ji did not want to admit the fact that he had lost his love. He took a leave of absence from Berlin and returned to Taiwan. The bookstore where he fell in love with his ex-girlfriend was named Warten, waiting for his beloved Fei Fei. His younger sister Yan Wuan found his child-like behaviors to be very troublesome and had to always play the role of taking care of him. With the opening of the bookstore, they welcomed all sorts of customers and their hilarious and touching stories.
一間為了等待前女友而開設的兩光書店,六個各自分歧卻又在此交會的靈魂。不讀書或許不需要理由,但或許只是需要一個「讀書」的理由。鬼才導演陳大任 X 作曲精靈張芯慈 X 音樂全才張文翰,用巧妙的歌詞與調度串起感動、真誠、幽默的故事;用多彩的旋律交織角色的悲喜、推動劇情的發展。《不讀書俱樂部》是臺灣首齣「影集式音樂劇」,2014 年起台北、桃園、韓國、上海巡演超過 80 場,製作之初,致力於打造如紐約、倫敦、巴黎,不拘泥於時間、地點,在酒館、餐廳裡進行的Cabaret,懷抱著將「音樂劇」注入生活的理念,提供人們生活中最享受、放鬆的演出。在故事上,以美國知名影集《Friends》的「六人行」結構為經線,透過六個角色在書店相遇所產生的故事為緯線,經緯交織之中,有著貼近著我們生活的歡笑、淚水、幽默與感動。