The humid air of the southern coast embraced the lonely town. Renowned writer Wu Youli, former marathon athlete Gao Jishu, and a group of young runners had what seemed to be a fateful encounter. From that moment onwards, like gears that never rest or stop, they started to struggle, burn, and fade away on an unknown race track. Wu Youli’s interview brought him into Gao Jishu’s painful past and stagnant present. The time he took charge of the high school track team that was about to disband, the rippling effect on the youths who joined the team for various reasons. The different decisions made had dragged them all into an inescapable whirlpool. If both of the answers were wrong, how were they to understand and forgive each other and themselves?
★ 美國奧克蘭國際電影節競賽片
★ 金馬獎最佳紀錄片導演 蘇哲賢第一部劇情長片
★ 影視歌多元發展 Ella 陳嘉樺、金馬獎影帝陳以文、台北電影節最佳新演員黃瀞怡、 林暉閔、《嘉年華》《相愛相親》耿樂 熱血領銜主演
知名作家吳又立、落魄前馬拉松選手高繼書,和一群跑隊的少年,彷彿注定般 的相遇了,從此每個人的人生開始像不再停歇的齒輪,在未知的跑道中滾動、 燃燒、消逝。吳又立的跟隊採訪,一步步踏入高繼書不堪的過往、困頓的現 狀,從他出任即將解散的高中跑隊,讓一群因為各種原因加入的少年人生產生 了波瀾,一個又一個不同的選擇,使所有人陷入無法擺脫的漩渦中。如果,兩 種選擇都是錯的,他們要怎麼與彼此、與自己和解。