Hearing-impaired teenager Chang Cheng transfers to a school for children with special needs. However, the world of the hearing-impaired doesn't seem quiet at all. When Chang witnesses the "game" taking place in the last row on the school bus, his excitement about blending into a new environment immediately turns into fear. Seeing Bei Bei, the girl he has a crush on, getting hurt so badly, Xiao Guang, the ringleader, behaving like a king and other schoolmates acting innocent, Chang debates with himself on whether he should reveal the cruel truth about the game or whether he should join in. As the divide between the perpetrators and the victim begins to blur, confusion and anxiety grow among everyone in school.
★ 金馬獎8項大獎提名 今年後座力最強國片
★ 【天黑請閉眼】柯貞年導演 首部作品躍上大銀幕
★ 校車最後一排的祕密 什麼是可以玩 卻不能說的遊戲?
★ 金馬獎最佳男配角 劉冠廷X金馬獎影后 楊貴媚X金馬獎最佳男配角 太保 同台飆戲
★ 新生代潛力演員 劉子銓X金馬最佳新演員提名 陳姸霏X金馬獎最佳男配角提名 金玄彬 震撼演出
★ 奪金馬獎最佳原創歌曲 盧律銘再度打造動人配樂
學校裡很寧靜,但卻充斥著詭異氛圍。天真無邪的學生一起在玩一個遊戲,但這個遊戲卻是不能說的祕密,可是到底為什麼不能說…在這個遊戲中,什麼才是勝利?誰勝誰負?又或,大家口中不能說的遊戲只是一種無助的求救訊號?在孤寂的無聲世界中,聽不見,不代表看不見,其實,你並不孤單。 新銳導演柯貞年的首部長片以大膽敘事方式探討「愛與救贖」,現實雖然未能盡如人意,但世界上的每個人都是值得被愛的。「他們只是在玩」一句輕描淡寫的話,在無聲的世界中蔓延,究竟什麼是一起玩,卻不能說的遊戲?