Follow Alana is a series of travel show hosted by Alana Nichols, who was born profoundly deaf but now became a fluent speaking host.
Each episode, Alana embarks on a journey to explore the stunning scenery, different lifestyle, and unique culture of each destination.
Alana meets many interesting people along the way and witnesses how they cherish things around them. She also encourages everyone to build a loving and sustainable relationship with the nature and the environment we live in.
The Host ─ Alana Nichols
Alana was a unique story from the start. Born in Taiwan, Alana was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of deafness in both ears, known as the stone deaf. Alana’s parents didn’t give up and travelled the world searching for a solution. At the age of two, Alana received an invasive cochlear implant surgery, which finally brought sounds into Alana’s life and allowed her to learn to hear and speak. With an ironic twist of fate, Alana is now an English-speaking travel show host. Through positivity and determination, Alana hopes to leave the audience with a healthy dose of inspiration and optimism. She aspires to use filmmaking as a powerful tool to share her stories and makes positive impacts to the world.
《2018 New York Festivals Television&Film Awards》- Lifestyle Program Finalist
《2018 Worldfest-Huston International Film Festival》- Remi Winner
《2018 Asian Television Awards》- Lifestyle Program Finalist
《2018 Asian Television Awards》- Best Direction (Non-fiction) Finalist
《2019 New York Festivals Television&Film Awards》- Lifestyle Program Finalist
《2019 The Indie Fest Film Awards》- Awards of Merit
節目由主持人Alana(鄭雅文) 以她獨特的視角和敏銳的感官,帶觀眾深入發掘引人入勝的各地風情。每集節目中,跟著Alana一起探索台灣的好景觀、好生活、好文化與好風味,讓每趟旅程都成為難忘的感動之旅,同時也透過遊覽令人驚嘆的自然景觀,鼓勵觀眾愛護及珍惜周遭的生態環境。
主持人 ─Alana Nichols (鄭雅文)
Alana本身就是個特別的故事。在台灣出生的她是個雙耳極重度聽損兒,連飛機呼嘯而過的聲音都完全聽不到。她的父母尋遍世界,終於在她兩歲時,找到醫生為她植入人工電子耳,帶她走出原來沉寂的世界,並學習說話。現在,她成為英語旅遊節目「Follow Alana」的主持人,在每段冒臉旅途中與不同的人相遇,交織出獨一無二的故事。Alana 立志用影片分享故事,期待這些分享能為人們帶來正面的影響力,並成為讓世界更美麗的催化劑。